Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Today was mostly uneventful day - work, parenting and fun as usual. I had watched Japanese "Grudge" (JuOn) last night and have to say I wasn't impressed. It is actually pretty boring and confusing storyline with practically no special effects.

I usually like Asian cinema for that exact reason - no distracting effects but the storyline is usually good.

Besides that I don't have anything else to post today - just getting used to blog more often. Sorry for the useless post.

Ps: oh, the spring seems to finally come to NYC! The weather is beautiful and it really sucks to stay in but you do what you have to, and for me that means working regular hours (well, close to it). tomorrow we supposed to go and look at our second apartment. Wish me luck.

Mobile blogging -- posted from iPhone


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About Me

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New York, NY, United States
If I had to describe my life in 5 words, they would have to be: Mother/ Mom/ Mommy/ Freelancer/ Woman. I have all of the qualities needed to be a good artist -- creativity, experience and total lack of discipline... Ok, ok, the last one has got to go since I am a mommy and a freelancer now and these two things do not mix well with being undisciplined and unorganized. So this blog supposedly will describe my journey towards an iron-disciplined army-style-organized and oh-so-boring me. Or not. Keep updated to see this story developing! :)
