Tuesday, March 23, 2010
As I look at my beautiful son sleeping next to me I can't help but wonder - what part of him should I kiss today to make it a special celebration day?

Should I kiss his eyes that are perfectly almond? Or his hair that are almost straight and silky? Or the dimples on his chicks and chin when he smiles because he's got them from my father?

Or should I stop looking for asian in him because so many will not accept him as being such? His skin is darker, his hair curlier, his arms and legs are longer, and his eyes being just a bit too round for Asian child...

Or may be as his mother it's not my job to guess the shape of his eyes but to make sure there are happiness and true joy in them. I don't see the color of his skin - it is the glow and warmth that get my attention. The texture of his hair concerns me only because I am planning to lock his hair before he gets to school to display his pride and connection to his heritage.

And to answer the question of the post - today my son will get more kisses and hugs than he can handle. He will fight, say his "no no no" and try to get away from me. He is so very independent, my little warrior child. And no matter which side he gets that personality from -that's one thing I want to believe he'll keep throughout his life.

But all those kisses are not because of some silly made up day. Every day in our family is a "kiss a little boy with the heart of the warrior" day. And that's the way it should be. He deserves it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Coming to grips with the fact that his mommy may not be ready to recognize the greatness in his latest state-of-the-art cooking developments, Ari had not given up trying alltogether. After all, he is willing to live with a woman who just is not with the latest trends in cooking as long as she can put a smile on his face, which she can -- and that gotta count for something.

But she surely can not say "no" to this (and who could, really?) -- iPhone box stuffed with fresh garlic. Did someone just say desert?

Ps: I think he shows a lot of potential to become great Korean chief very soon.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today I woke up from my nap just to see this strategically placed in front of me on the bed.

Poor Ari tried very hard to convince me that it was very "nyammy" and a truly smart mommy would not pass on such once-in-a-lifetime treat. But me being an old poop butt had decided against it.

Did I miss out?


My first paid project was a design for online moonwalk rental directory. The year was 2005 (if I'm not mistaken), and that's when I realized that freelancing career is as real as my customer service job which I held for 4 years.

I remember working harder than I ever did and not really expecting to get paid for it, thinking to myself - why would anybody be willing to pay for something that is so much fun to do?

I remember staring at my first payment transaction with Paypal and the feeling of pride and gratitude I've had when I've realized that doing this is worth something not only to me but to others as well.

That directory's owner had contacted me today for new project after all these years. Freelancing rocks!

Friday, March 19, 2010
Planning to spend full day outside tomorrow, as this will be my day off. Looking forward to it, been inside entirely too long.

Mobile blogging -- posted from iPhone

Location:New York

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Today was mostly uneventful day - work, parenting and fun as usual. I had watched Japanese "Grudge" (JuOn) last night and have to say I wasn't impressed. It is actually pretty boring and confusing storyline with practically no special effects.

I usually like Asian cinema for that exact reason - no distracting effects but the storyline is usually good.

Besides that I don't have anything else to post today - just getting used to blog more often. Sorry for the useless post.

Ps: oh, the spring seems to finally come to NYC! The weather is beautiful and it really sucks to stay in but you do what you have to, and for me that means working regular hours (well, close to it). tomorrow we supposed to go and look at our second apartment. Wish me luck.

Mobile blogging -- posted from iPhone
Monday, March 15, 2010
Testing emoticons on iPhone.

Mobile blogging -- posted from iPhone
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend of Korean horror movies is now officially over. :) loved
everyminute of it. Can't help thinking -- whatsup with Asian movies
and hair? Hmmmm
sent from my Project 365 app
Friday, March 12, 2010

Stick finger in your mouth, hook it behind the cheek and pull it out.
There you go. Now you too know that I'm NOT happy. Adorable, ain't I? :)
sent from my Project 365 app
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
As everybody is still sleeping in my household, I am taking these few minutes before starting my work day to blog.

First news -- I got the job! :) I am so excited to have the privilege of working over the internet and get paid real money on hourly basis. Couple of problems though. Turns out, I had forgotten what it was to work on an hourly basis. No, I'm not working too fast. haha It's actually the opposite, I get carried away with my tasks, get too creative and end up with extra hours on simplest tasks...

For this reason I had ended up working offline for about 4 hours without loggin those in -- just to catch up. Gotta do better today! :)

Ok, I'm off to my morning coffee and work. Another great day ahead! :)

About Me

My photo
New York, NY, United States
If I had to describe my life in 5 words, they would have to be: Mother/ Mom/ Mommy/ Freelancer/ Woman. I have all of the qualities needed to be a good artist -- creativity, experience and total lack of discipline... Ok, ok, the last one has got to go since I am a mommy and a freelancer now and these two things do not mix well with being undisciplined and unorganized. So this blog supposedly will describe my journey towards an iron-disciplined army-style-organized and oh-so-boring me. Or not. Keep updated to see this story developing! :)
